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West Valley All-Star Major teams both in regional tournament in San Bernadino

West Valley Little League

FAQ for West Valley Little League

General Registration Information:

Q: When does the season start and how long is it?

A: Practices start in early March, Games in early April. Regular season goes through the end of May. Opening day is typically 1st week of April ...more to follow!

Q: When will we know our schedule?

A: Teams are picked in early March. You should know shortly after that. Schedules are based on the volunteer’s availability. If yours is specific, always taking manager applications!

Q: We are gone for Spring Break, will that be an issue?

A: So are we! No, really we have no games. Some coaches may schedule optional practice but go enjoy your vacation!

Q: Where do I register my child?

A: Please visit registration info on our website, you will find links for baseball and softball. 

Q: The registration cost seems high, where does all that money go?

A: We just raised our registration rates in 2020 from $115 - $145.  Here is a newsletter that went out on the website to outline the reason(s) we raised registration: Click here!

We operate as a non-profit (501c3).  Registration funds all field development/repair/maintenance, uniforms, equipment, field rentals, *Miscellaneous

*Miscellaneous includes, but not limited to safety, financial and banking services, administrative costs, clinics, donation expense, and dues and subscriptions.

Q: I registered my son/daughter but they don’t want to play anymore, can I get my money back?

A: We draw a budget based on the number of registrations we have. Allocating to field upgrades, snack shack improvements, uniforms etc. Issuing refunds pulls from funds we have divided. Unless a financial hardship, we appreciate you considering it a donation, if you son or daughter doesn’t enjoy the sport.  
Refund policy is outlined here: Click here!

Q: My family lives just outside the boundaries. Can my son/daughter play in West Valley Little League?

A: NO.

To find out if you live in WVLL's boundaries, head over the Little League's League Finder page and enter your address.  Our charter with Little League, Inc. does not allow us to take in players from outside of our boundaries. Since all of the areas surrounding West Valley have Little League programs, players in our league must live within the WV Little League boundaries. This is not our rule, but is Little League International rule that we must follow. 

Q: What are the number of days and hours per week that are expected of a little league player in the Spring season?
A: This depends on the Dvision.  Younger players (Tee Ball) will typically practice for 2x a week roughly 1hr, 15minutes each practice.  (A) Rookie tends to be the same, now AA, AAA and Majors you start to practice 3x a week and practices can run 1hr 30minutes.

Q: When do practices start?
A: Practices start in early March and most teams practice 1-3 days a week.  Beginning in April, T-ball division will have one game and potentially a practice a week, depending on the coach. Game days will vary.  For all other divisions (A, AA, AAA, Majors, Intermediate, Junior Senior) most teams will have 1-2 practice and two games per week. Again, schedules and days depend on the number of teams and field availability.  T-Ball and softball homes games are played at Eagle Nazarene Church off of state. All others are played at Duck Alley off of Linder. A few Intermediate, Junior and Senior games are played at local ballfields.

Q: How do I determine my son or daughter's league age?

A: You can use this link: Click here!

Use the chart below: (FOR BASEBALL)

Use the chart below: (FOR SOFTBALL)

Q: What is considered valid proof of residency documentation?

A: Click here to download/view a document showing detailed information on what is considered valid proof of residency documentation.

Q: My son/daughter was not born in this country, how do I provide proof-of-age documentation?

A: Click here to download/view a document showing detailed information on what is acceptable proof of age documentation.

Q: The league where I live has agreed to give a release to my son/daughter so that they can play in WV Little League; may we sign up?

A: Again, the answer is no. A league cannot “release” a player to play somewhere else.

Q: Is it possible to obtain a waiver to allow a player from outside of WVLL to play in our league?

A: The only time a waiver will be granted is if the player lived and played in WV Little League the previous year and then moved outside of the city limits. Little League International. will grant a waiver in this circumstance.

Q: My son/daughter and his/her best friend/family member (not a sibling) want to play on the same team, can that be arranged? Or, for carpool/daycare reasons we need to have our son/daughter and another child on the same team?

A: We can generally make this accommodation for the T-ball and (A) Rookie divisions. The person registering needs to write on the registration form that they would like to be on the same team as x (name of other player). It is better if both families put this on their registration forms. With the other divisions the family can still write the request on the registration. That preference will be listed on the draft sheet, but there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate.

Q: We want our son/daughter to play or not to play for a certain manager, can that be arranged?

A: If there are circumstances where a son/daughter and their parents do not wish to participate due to issues with a Team Coach/Manager then that needs to be documented and communicated with the League President: [email protected]  All requests of this nature will be taken seriously and we will ensure the players are provided an environment for them to have fun and succeed.

Q: My child and his/her sibling are eligible for the same division. Will they be placed on the same team?

A: Siblings eligible for the same division will be placed on the same team unless the parents specifically request that they be placed on separate teams.

Q: How do I get more information about volunteering?  What forms do I need to fill out/sign?
A: Turns out, we have a page specifically for that.  Click here and join us!


Your child will need the following items:

·       Glove

·       Cleats

·       Bag to hold their stuff

Recommended additional items, not mandatory:

·       Helmet (we have learned sharing hair things leads to many lice cases)

·       Bat

·       Batting gloves (it is cold and those bats sting)

WVLL cares deeply about all of our young ballplayers if anything on the “needs” list is a financial burden, please reach out to your manager and we will supply for you.

Q: Where can I buy some awesome WVLL swag I see many wearing?

A: We have a dedicated store! Hurry though, only open through February 2! Click here and check it out!


Q: My child does not get along with someone on the team. They are (being mean, bullying etc)

A: Coaches are trained for this stuff, but they can’t catch all of it. Please speak with your manager, Division Director and then Player Agent (Cinde Winters) in that order. Odds are we can intervene before needing all hands on deck

Q: We don’t like our coach/manager

A: In any group, you have different personalities. Not all get along. We strongly encourage you and your child to understand that we are a volunteer organization. Unless the coach is doing something you feel is unsafe and/or unethical, please try to find a way to work together. Often times a conversation fixes most frustrations. As a rule of thumb, we recommend taking a one-day pause and then speaking with a coach/manager.  Each Division has a Director and we have a Player Agent and Coaching Coordinator, these individuals along with the Executive Board are here to support all members of West Valley Little League.



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